Jumat, 17 Maret 2017



               Sentence is the wording of the particular pattern that forming a unity of meaning that can be understood. If there are words which are composed but have no meaning at all and can not understand the point that means not a sentence. Consider the examples of Indonesian sentences below:
I go to Bali.
They papaya fell confused.
Consider the two examples above sentence. Both sentences are equally composed of several words are composed, but the difference, the first example can be understood its meaning, while the second example can not be understood meaning. The second example is not a sentence.
Then how the arrangement or patterns of sentences in English? There are several patterns and the composition to form a sentence in English, namely:

1. Subject + Verb
               The verb used in this pattern is intransitive verb is a verb that does not have an object like a go, sleep, freeze, rise, boil, bark, etc.
Example of sentences:
The dog barked. (The dog was barking)
Water is boiling. (Water was boiling)
My father sleeps. (My father slept)

2. Subject + Verb + Object
               The verb used in this pattern is a transitive verb, the verb that requires objects to the meaning of the sentence to be complete and understandable.
Before we discuss the examples above pattern, consider the example sentences below:
I eat. What do you eat? -> I'm eating a mango.
I go. Go what? -> ????
I write. What do you write? -> Write letters.
If we look at the three examples above sentence, then the first and third example is an example of a sentence that uses the verb is transitive, because verbs are used requires the object so that the meaning of the sentence was fully understood.
Compare this with the example of the second sentence, which, without any object, we have been able to understand it. This is the difference between Transitive and intransitive verbs.

Example of sentences:
I eat a mango. (I ate a mango)
She writes a letter. (He wrote a letter)
He called you. (She calls you)

3. Subject + Verb + Complement
               Padapola verb used is also called the Linking Verbs such as Be, Become, get, look, seem, taste, sound, etc.
Complementary to the pattern of all three can be a noun, noun phrase, adjective, adjective phrase, etc.
It is a book. (This book)
You look beautiful. (You look beautiful)
She is rich. (He is rich)

4. Subject + Verb + Description
               After the verb, we can also put the adverb, as an adverb phrases (Adverbial Phrase), Phrases Home (propositional Phrase) or Phrases Nouns (Noun Phrase)
She will come tomorrow. -> Adverbial Phrase (He will come tomorrow)
William is at my house. -> Prepositional Phrase (William at my home)
My mother swims every Sundays. -> Noun Phrase (Mother I swim every Sunday)

5. Subject + Verb + Object + Object
               Sometimes in a sentence consisting of two objects. The first object is usually the object Indirect, while the second object is the Direct Object.
What is the difference? Direct Object is the direct object of verbs, whereas the object Indirect instead. For more details, see the illustration Indonesian sentence below:
Mother bought me a doll.
Mother bought what? -> Dolls
A doll is a Direct Object. How to find the direct object is by asking questions such as sample sentences above. I was the Indirect Object.
She told us a story. (He told us a story), or (He tells a story to us)
My mother bought me a doll. (Mom bought me a doll) or (Mother bought a doll for me)
She Gives me a present. (He gave me a gift) or (He gives a gift to me)

6. Subject + Verb + Object + Complement
Complementary to the end of the sentence must be related to the object of the sentence.
The song makes him famous.
(The song that made her famous)
The extra job of the Boss keeps me very busy.
(Additional work on the boss made me so very busy)
The magician Gives the audience a big surprise.
(Magician it gives a great surprise for the audience)

7. Subject + Verb + Object + Adverbs
Adverb anything placed behind objects must also be associated with the object.
Sheila parks her car in the garage.
(Sheila park his car in the garage)
I put my wallet in my pocket.
(I keep my wallet in my pocket)
Robert Hides the knife in his jacket.
(Robert hid the knife in his jacket)

8. Other patterns
               There are also other patterns that we can not explain one by one, especially on the position of Adverbs which are often fickle.
Help Subject + Verb + Adverbs + Verb + Etc.
She has just phoned me.
(He just called me)
Mary and I have already called the police.
(I and Mary had to call the police)
Help Subject + Verb + Adverbs + Verb + Etc.
She will probably invite you to her party.
(He may be invited to the party)
I can sometimes beat him.
(Sometimes I can beat)


Exercise page 44:

George is cooking dinner tonight
Note: modifier of time
Henry and Marcia have visited the president
We can eat lunch is this restaurant today
Note : modifier of place
Pat should have bought gasolihe yesterday
Note : modifier of time
Trees grow
It was raining at seven o’clock this morning
She opened a checking account at the bank last week
Note : modifier of place and time
Hary is washing disthes right now
Note : modifier of time
She opened her book
Paul,wiliam, and mary were watching a television a few minutes ago

Note : modifier of time